Items: (27 entries) Items[0] Bounds: x1=312, y1=254, x2=372, y2=274 Type: 4 Info: OK Items[1] Bounds: x1=238, y1=254, x2=298, y2=274 Type: 4 Info: Cancel Items[2] Bounds: x1=18, y1=105, x2=73, y2=121 Type: 5 Info: Idle Items[3] Bounds: x1=18, y1=121, x2=124, y2=137 Type: 5 Info: MouseWithin Items[4] Bounds: x1=18, y1=137, x2=118, y2=153 Type: 5 Info: MouseEnter Items[5] Bounds: x1=18, y1=153, x2=122, y2=169 Type: 5 Info: MouseLeave Items[6] Bounds: x1=18, y1=169, x2=138, y2=185 Type: 5 Info: UpdateWindow Items[7] Bounds: x1=18, y1=185, x2=110, y2=201 Type: 5 Info: ReturnKey Items[8] Bounds: x1=18, y1=206, x2=34, y2=222 Type: 5 Info: Items[9] Bounds: x1=18, y1=227, x2=34, y2=243 Type: 5 Info: Items[10] Bounds: x1=18, y1=248, x2=177, y2=264 Type: 5 Info: All System Messages Items[11] Bounds: x1=40, y1=206, x2=169, y2=222 Type: 16 Info: Items[12] Bounds: x1=40, y1=227, x2=169, y2=243 Type: 16 Info: Items[13] Bounds: x1=208, y1=108, x2=325, y2=124 Type: 6 Info: Break On None Items[14] Bounds: x1=208, y1=125, x2=336, y2=141 Type: 6 Info: Break On Failed Items[15] Bounds: x1=208, y1=142, x2=312, y2=158 Type: 6 Info: Break On All Items[16] Bounds: x1=189, y1=169, x2=377, y2=185 Type: 5 Info: Break Before XFCN/XCMD Items[17] Bounds: x1=189, y1=185, x2=326, y2=201 Type: 5 Info: Exit Stops Tracer Items[18] Bounds: x1=4, y1=4, x2=59, y2=21 Type: -120 Info: Control Items[19] Bounds: x1=5, y1=20, x2=377, y2=25 Type: -64 Info: X Items[20] Bounds: x1=6, y1=95, x2=185, y2=274 Type: -64 Info: Y Items[21] Bounds: x1=13, y1=87, x2=167, y2=104 Type: -120 Info: Message Break Disable Items[22] Bounds: x1=191, y1=95, x2=362, y2=167 Type: -64 Info: Y Items[23] Bounds: x1=198, y1=87, x2=351, y2=104 Type: -120 Info: Callback Break Control Items[24] Bounds: x1=4, y1=28, x2=377, y2=45 Type: -120 Info: Note: Check boxes to prevent specific system messages Items[25] Bounds: x1=43, y1=44, x2=377, y2=77 Type: -120 Info: from generating breaks. Choose radio buttons to control XCMD-to-SuperCard callback breaks. Items[26] Bounds: x1=5, y1=82, x2=375, y2=83 Type: -64 Info: Z